


Monday, March 1, 2010

My thoughts...

It's Monday night, 11:05pm in Texarkana, TX. I'm thinking about everything that has to get done in these next 4 weeks before I move completely to Zimbabwe, Africa. I truly don't know what is in store for me. All I know is that deep down in my heart, I want to serve God with everything I have. I want to give myself to Him so freely and openly that He truly knows how much I love Him, care for Him, and am grateful for everything He did for me, especially with Jesus on the cross. When I think of that moment, and what God decided to do for each and every one of us, it makes me feel inadequate to be here today. God has given me many second chances, even third, fouth, and tenth chances, etc etc...and all I have to give him back is my life as a living sacrifice, and that's what I intend to do forever. So if Zimbabwe, Africa is the place where He has set up my purpose and destiny, then in that decision, I will follow whole heartedly 110%, not looking back, not even an ounce. I'm not expecting any of this to be easy, but what I am expecting is for the enemy's plans to be SQUASHED and DEFEATED and that lives and souls will be forever changed by another's decision to say "Yes, Lord." Our lives are not our own, and I think it's taken me 27 years to realize the true meaning behind that saying. The sacrifice of a career, friends, family, freedom, is COMPLETELY worth it for God's Kingdom.
I never knew life like this existed. To explain myself, I go through just as much tears and pain as I do joy,happiness, and peace in Christ. I feel it a privaledge to endure the hardships of the sufferings that Jesus did for us on that cross. Our purpose is much GREATER than any pain we can and will go through in life. God didn't say it would be an easy journey, but what He did say is that He would be with us along the way.....the ENTIRE way, actually walking before us and guiding us.
My prayer for you and everyone seeking a bigger plan for their life, is to #1) quit running, #2)submit your life to God, #3) give your heart completly to the one who gave you His #4) enjoy this crazy ride with Jesus and get ready for the TRUE peace and TRUE living that we were created for in the first place.
I may not always get it right, I may not always have all the answers, but I do know one thing:
God is worth anything that you have to go through, and when following the NARROW path in life, you will find GREATNESS that you have been searching for, and once you taste and see how amazing Christ really is....you will NEVER look back.


  1. Hey Jessica my name is Andrew Boggess. My older brother Ryan Sousley filled me in to some degree about the calling God has placed on your heart to serve for an unknown amount of time in Africa and also touched slightly on the newly established Maximized Living Hospital being built there. First off I want to say that the story of your faithfulness and courageous obediance to movement of God in your life is an awesome testimony of what God is capable of doing in the hearts and lives of His kids and is very encouraging. To a similar degree I have felt the Lord tugging at my heart to travel since the time I was young and that desire has not only persisted through the years but has continued to increase with time. In the coming year and season of my life I hope to spend my time traveling and experiencing the living Gospel. To give love and receive love, to serve and to be served, to teach and to learn in Jesus name and to have my foundation rocked in a powerful and beautiful way. If there is an opportunity to serve in any capacity at the Maximized Living Hospital and to be apart of their mission I would be more than interested. Any information you may have would be greatly appreciated. Have an awesome day and God bless

  2. Drew,
    Wow, you have an "angelic" way about your writing which is amazing to read. I hear your servant's heart through your words. Very amazing. This blog is very new to me, so I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. You were on my herat today and I was going to write you an email that your brother Ryan gave me. Thank you for contacting me, and when I get more time to write, I will let you know more details. If you are feeling called to Africa and to serve, then if it's in God's will, it will happen. Looking forward to talking to you more. Hopefully tomorrow. Be blessed and talk to you soon! <><
