


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Zimbabwe Journal Entry 2008 :)

Very interesting how this all came about.....! I journal a lot....actually a whole lot! :) And as I was unpacking my belongings about 3 weeks ago now, I came across my 2008 journal and decided to flip through the pages to see what was in there, and to always see how God reveals himself throughout my life. Well, this time, as I was flipping, ZIMBABWE jumped out of one of the pages and I was floored! First of all, I didn't even think that i knew anything about Zimbabwe, Africa, and especially didn't know anything about Celebration Ministries (who Maximized Living is partnering with, and who I will be working for)....so this is all very shocking, STILL....to me. I felt the need to share this with all of you, because it shows how God ordains YOUR PATH ALWAYS....always :) . Praise God that I have the amazing words captured on paper to share. I challenge you also to journal more of your life, so when you look back, you can see how God was always there in the mist!

This was only 8 months after opening my Charlotte clinic, alittle over a year and 1/2 ago...

"My soul yearns to live the life YOU HAVE PLANNED for me in advance to do. I don't know why Zimbabwe is on my heart. I'm almost emotionless when I talk about it or think about it. There is no fear, there is no huge excitement either. I know you have been putting "nations" on my heart for almost 2 1/2 years now. I'm not sure the exact reason, but I KNOW you will show me. Continue to guide the way and open doors that need to be opened and close others that need shut. Lord, I am single and now would be the best time to move away, and do big things for your Kingdom.
My vision...no X-rays, no re-exams, just adjustments ALL DAY, no screenings...only Doctor Reports to the entire nation to get people to know who you are...to get myself reconnected with you...to have a life of simplicity and still save souls. It's not about the money, nor the "works" Lord.
Lord is this really you? Or am I running away from something here? I can have someone temporary take over my practice while I go away for 1-2 years...I will join the Celebration Ministries Team, I will teach the gospel, I will teach Maximized Living Makeovers at the churches, surge trainings, run/walk clubs 2-3x/week. Lord, their minds are not cluttered. I pray for safety when I am there, that you will protect me and guide me. Thank you for putting this on my heart. Thank you that they are praying for me right now to make this decision. Lord, you have HUGE plans for my life, and I pray that I am obedient in listening. Be with my heart and align my life and the people in my life according to your will.
Love Always <><

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Purpose and Destiny

It's now 11:15pm, Saturday, March 20, and SNOWING outside as I'm writing this, here in Dallas TX!!! Who would have thought snow in the spring??!!? :)
I did buy my ticket though a few weeks ago for Zimbabwe.... so I leave the States April 6th. It's all about to begin...what an amazing journey God prepares for each one of us...whether it is to be a stay at home mom, to moving all across the world...God has a purpose and destiny for each of us EXACTLY what HE wanted us to do in advanced too! , not for what we want....but what HE WANTS:)

So, right now I have been hanging out with an amazing group of individuals, which definitely deserve the title of Kingdom Servants. It's the Celebration Ministries team here in Dallas, TX, along with Pastor James from Zimbabwe, Africa. What favor God has put on all of them, and what favor it is to be in their presence. I have learned so much just by sitting still, observing their conversations (partaking in them too!:), but observing how they serve one another the way Christ would if He were here today. It's incredible, truly incredible. I leave them feeling humbled, feeling completely fed by the Spirit, and full of life! Praise God for people wanting to serve God's purpose for their life at any cost...

I have a lot on my mind tonight, and I'm not sure what I want to share first...God is moving in AMAZING ways and doing GREAT supernatural things that I definitely want to share, just wanting to find the perfect timing to do so :)

What seems to be on my heart to share is what Pastor James told me last night about purpose and destiny. As a church, we read 5 chapters a day (Daily Bible Reading) and we are in Deuteronomy right now from the Old Test. reading.
It's about God choosing Moses to fulfill His purpose. But it clearly states that God did not choose him because he was a man of strength nor a man of integrity, but that He chose him because there was a job that needed to be done and he made a clear covenant to do so. God will use anyone who has a servant's heart to do His purpose. It doesn't mean that we are better than someone else, it doesn't mean that we are stronger, or are even more "Christ-like" for that matter...What it does mean is that He is searching for those few who are willing to die to self everyday and those who are willing to follow the narrow path of life no matter the cost. What's amazing is that sometimes God will even wait for a whole generation to die off, and then wait for the new ones to blossom and pursue them to do His purpose!

When Africa came on my heart, believe me, there were many people that WANTED to go before me, but it just didn't work out. As a little child I was never that girl who wanted to do missions work or even wanted to explore another country at all. But what God knew and still knows today about my heart is that I am a "Yes" girl, and why not take that person who says "Yes Lord" and do something very extreme with it. It's such an amazing journey to be on, because I feel more of God's presence now. I truly feel that the closer we are to desiring to serve Him and yearn for Him, the more that He will give Himself to us and allow us to experience Him in such a way that the feelings are indescribable. I get the question a lot, "Dr. Jessica, How do you feel right now...anxious? scared? excited?" And the feelings are deeper and greater than I have ever experience, so to label them would be underestimating the power of what I am going through...I have had tears of joy, sadness, yet smiles of happiness, excitement, etc. It's an array of emotions a long with the greatest sense of peace, which I can't understand in the flesh, but it just feels right. So, with that being said, I have no clue what's to happen in Zimbabwe, what connections and people that God is already aligning for my path, but what I do know and what I do trust is that God is in control and already knows my steps, every single one of them. Matter of fact, He's already walking them before me and going to lead me through! There is no fear in perfect love, and that's exactly what I have and what I receive from my Lord and Father.

I know this was long...maybe this can be me making up from not writing! I just pray that God will use this experience in some way to challenge you to think bigger, and see what He sees (or at least strive for it!)....

My next posting will be about my journal entry I found from 10/9/2008....2008!! It will blow your socks off for how amazing God is.....one hint...it has "Zimbabwe" in it.....hmm....?!?!?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Great Quote for the Day!!! :)

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

Monday, March 1, 2010

My thoughts...

It's Monday night, 11:05pm in Texarkana, TX. I'm thinking about everything that has to get done in these next 4 weeks before I move completely to Zimbabwe, Africa. I truly don't know what is in store for me. All I know is that deep down in my heart, I want to serve God with everything I have. I want to give myself to Him so freely and openly that He truly knows how much I love Him, care for Him, and am grateful for everything He did for me, especially with Jesus on the cross. When I think of that moment, and what God decided to do for each and every one of us, it makes me feel inadequate to be here today. God has given me many second chances, even third, fouth, and tenth chances, etc etc...and all I have to give him back is my life as a living sacrifice, and that's what I intend to do forever. So if Zimbabwe, Africa is the place where He has set up my purpose and destiny, then in that decision, I will follow whole heartedly 110%, not looking back, not even an ounce. I'm not expecting any of this to be easy, but what I am expecting is for the enemy's plans to be SQUASHED and DEFEATED and that lives and souls will be forever changed by another's decision to say "Yes, Lord." Our lives are not our own, and I think it's taken me 27 years to realize the true meaning behind that saying. The sacrifice of a career, friends, family, freedom, is COMPLETELY worth it for God's Kingdom.
I never knew life like this existed. To explain myself, I go through just as much tears and pain as I do joy,happiness, and peace in Christ. I feel it a privaledge to endure the hardships of the sufferings that Jesus did for us on that cross. Our purpose is much GREATER than any pain we can and will go through in life. God didn't say it would be an easy journey, but what He did say is that He would be with us along the way.....the ENTIRE way, actually walking before us and guiding us.
My prayer for you and everyone seeking a bigger plan for their life, is to #1) quit running, #2)submit your life to God, #3) give your heart completly to the one who gave you His #4) enjoy this crazy ride with Jesus and get ready for the TRUE peace and TRUE living that we were created for in the first place.
I may not always get it right, I may not always have all the answers, but I do know one thing:
God is worth anything that you have to go through, and when following the NARROW path in life, you will find GREATNESS that you have been searching for, and once you taste and see how amazing Christ really is....you will NEVER look back.