


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Zimbabwe Journal Entry 2008 :)

Very interesting how this all came about.....! I journal a lot....actually a whole lot! :) And as I was unpacking my belongings about 3 weeks ago now, I came across my 2008 journal and decided to flip through the pages to see what was in there, and to always see how God reveals himself throughout my life. Well, this time, as I was flipping, ZIMBABWE jumped out of one of the pages and I was floored! First of all, I didn't even think that i knew anything about Zimbabwe, Africa, and especially didn't know anything about Celebration Ministries (who Maximized Living is partnering with, and who I will be working for)....so this is all very shocking, STILL....to me. I felt the need to share this with all of you, because it shows how God ordains YOUR PATH ALWAYS....always :) . Praise God that I have the amazing words captured on paper to share. I challenge you also to journal more of your life, so when you look back, you can see how God was always there in the mist!

This was only 8 months after opening my Charlotte clinic, alittle over a year and 1/2 ago...

"My soul yearns to live the life YOU HAVE PLANNED for me in advance to do. I don't know why Zimbabwe is on my heart. I'm almost emotionless when I talk about it or think about it. There is no fear, there is no huge excitement either. I know you have been putting "nations" on my heart for almost 2 1/2 years now. I'm not sure the exact reason, but I KNOW you will show me. Continue to guide the way and open doors that need to be opened and close others that need shut. Lord, I am single and now would be the best time to move away, and do big things for your Kingdom.
My vision...no X-rays, no re-exams, just adjustments ALL DAY, no screenings...only Doctor Reports to the entire nation to get people to know who you are...to get myself reconnected with you...to have a life of simplicity and still save souls. It's not about the money, nor the "works" Lord.
Lord is this really you? Or am I running away from something here? I can have someone temporary take over my practice while I go away for 1-2 years...I will join the Celebration Ministries Team, I will teach the gospel, I will teach Maximized Living Makeovers at the churches, surge trainings, run/walk clubs 2-3x/week. Lord, their minds are not cluttered. I pray for safety when I am there, that you will protect me and guide me. Thank you for putting this on my heart. Thank you that they are praying for me right now to make this decision. Lord, you have HUGE plans for my life, and I pray that I am obedient in listening. Be with my heart and align my life and the people in my life according to your will.
Love Always <><

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